- He sawed the board in half. 他将木板锯成两块。
- His audience into thinking he had really sawed the woman in half. 魔术师骗过了观众,使他们相信他把那女子锯成了两半。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- He sawed the branch in half. 他把那根树枝锯成两半。
- The mast went by the board in the storm. 那船桅在暴风雨中落于船外。
- He sawed the logs up into little pieces. 他把木材锯成小块。
- He sawed the board edgeways. 他沿着边缘踞那块板子。
- He sawed the wood into three pieces. 他把木头锯成三块。
- He sawed the towel across his back. 他拉锯般用毛巾擦背。
- Our party swept the board in the election. 我们党在选举中大获全胜。
- Their party swept the board in the election. 他们的党在选举中几乎获全胜。
- he sawed the board edgeways; held it edgewise. 他从旁边踞了个板子;刃口朝前拿着它。
- he sawed the board edgeways ; held it edgewise. 他从旁边踞了个板子;刃口朝前拿着它。
- Switzerland swept the board in the skiing competition. 瑞士在滑雪比赛中囊括了所有的奖项。
- The player stared at the board in a dazed way. 投环的人目瞪口呆地盯住木板看。
- He held the board in place while the glue set. 他举着板子等着胶水干。
- Logic goes by the board in the face of danger. 面临危险,逻辑并不起作用。
- He swept the board in the triennial races in Paris this season. 他在巴黎三年一度的比赛中囊括全奖。
- The speaker sawed the air as he cried loudly. 发言者一边挥舞手臂一边大声叫喊。
- A man in Sonneberg, Germany, was so upset about his divorce that he sawed the wooden family bungalow in two and carted half of it away on a truck. 德国Sonneberg的一位男子对他的离婚结局非常不满,他将原来住的木制独立屋锯成两半,并用卡车拉走了自己的那一半。